Sunday, October 27, 2013



Hey guys! I'm going to make a party this weekend at my house, what do you think? It'll be nice to get to know new people and have fun. Will have plenty of food, drink and a DJ playing a lot of good music! BTW bring your friends and let's enjoy, see you on Saturday! LOL

Hello Maria, I'm having a problem and need to talk to you urgently! :-( Do you have some time to help me with a new content math? I need to study for the test next week. FYI I'm trying to talk to you but I can't, please when you have time, call me ASAP!

Hi John! I'm sending this SMS to tell you that I heard and liked the songs you recorded in the CD for me, THX I heard it a lot! Please when you have time, record more CD's and DVD's with more music for me, I'll love it! Kisses, TTYL :-*

Hello, I'm having a problem on my PC. When I turn it, it turns itself off, I'm very angry and I'm going crazy because I need it to work ASAP! If I don't fix it urgently, I'll lose my job. FYI I can pay to someone to fix it. Please can anyone help me? THX